Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Summative Recycling Posters

Final Summative Poster Written Response

Throughout the year, this course has taught me many valuable skills. We have used Photoshop, Final Cut Express, and iMovie. I learned many new concepts relating to these programs and also new technical techniques that were to be used in the final summative. The poster I chose best represented my PSA is pictured above. I used a monochromatic colour scheme from the colour scheme designer website shown in class. I decided to use the colour blue in my poster because it showed how recycling can save the world and lead to cleaner and less polluted air. The text “Recycle” was essentially made by cutting out letters from plastic bottles in a landfill. I feel that this poster best represented my skills in Photoshop because I made use of the rule of thirds. This rule allows the viewer’s eyes to flow better through the poster. The viewer’s eyes will immediately be drawn to either the large text near the top of the picture plane, or the large EAC logo. Proximity was also used in that the texts both above and below the logo are almost together and can be read together. I placed “Recycling” larger and hitting two intersections if a grid of 9 is put on the poster. Also, the logo and the plastic water bottle both hit an intersection which draws the viewer’s eyes and allow better flow through the poster. Another reason this was my favorite poster was that I put the plastic bottle spewing out smoke similar to a polluting smoke stack. This analogy shows that recycling bottles make cleaner air and help make a greener and less polluted world. My other poster demonstrated the use of symmetry rather than the rule of thirds. I chose to write about this poster because I felt it was the best out of the two and contributed to the overall point of the PSA and topic.

Lastly, I applied the many Photoshop skills discussed during the year, which helped me succeed in creating this poster. Overall, thanks to the multiple useful design elements, I was able to create a final poster demonstrating how I have developed as a media arts student.