This is an example of a picture using the elliptical marquee tool. Go to your browser and find a picture that you want to use. Next, drag the photo into Photoshop and press
+ 0 (command)to resize the image. Click on the elliptical marquee tool that is the second tool on the dropdown menu. Create an elliptical around the part of the image you want to see. Go to the select tab and press inverse. This will reverse the direction of the highlighted area so that you can change the colour of the outside part of the image. To change the colour, press “Set background Colour’” which is the last 2 boxes with colours. Change the bottom box to the colour you want and press delete. To make the cutout feathered, choose the elliptical marquee tool and make another circle inside the previous one you made. Go to Refine Edge in the option menu and change the feathering to your personal choice. Press Delete when you are done to finalize the image. There you have it!
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